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  • Developments in Gas Chromatography Using Ionic Liquid Stationary Phases
  • 更新时间:2015-11-04;信息类型:国外研究进展
  • Ionic liquids (ILs) have become recognized in gas chromatography (GC) as stable and highly polar stationary phases with a wide application range. Having customizable molecular structures, ILs also offer a particular tunability that provides additional selectivity, and therefore may improve separation for neighbouring analytes. This article presents specific properties of IL phase capillary GC columns, including polarity scale and inner surface morphologies of IL columns. Application of IL phases in achiral and chiral GC, and multidimensional GC, are highlighted.
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-04/417.html
  • 最新DNA测序方法 精度提高1000倍
  • 更新时间:2015-09-24;信息类型:国外研究进展
  • 导读: 接下来是将DNA溶解在包含带电离子的粘液中,研究人员可以微调粘液的分子结构来改变它的“粘度梯度”。这一液体属于一种“室温离子液体”,其实际上是一种盐溶液。EPFL的科学家利用了液体的可调性,将其达到了一种足以减慢DNA的理想粘度梯度。
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-02/362.html
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