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- [Wiley数据库][2012]Preliminary extration of tannins by 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole bromide and its subsequent removal from Galla chinensis extract using macroporous resins
- 更新时间:2016-03-21;信息类型:期刊文章
- In recent years, Ionic Liquids have become increasingly attractive as “green solvents” used in the extraction of bioactive compounds from natural plant. However, the separation of ionic liquid from the target compounds was difficult, due to their low vapour pressure and high stabilities. In our study, ionic liquid-based ultrasonic and microwave-assisted extraction was used to obtain the crude tannins, then the macroporous resin adsorption technology was further employed to purify the tannins and remove the ionic liquid from crude extract. The results showed that XDA-6 had higher separation efficiency than other tested resins, and the equilibrium experimental data were well-fitted to Langmuir isotherms. Dynamic adsorption and desorption were performed on XDA-6 packed in glass columns to optimize the separation process. The optimum conditions as follows: the ratio of column height to diameter bed was 1:8, flow rate 1BV/h, 85% ethanol was used as eluant while the elution volume was 2BV. Under the optimized conditions, the adsorption and desoption rate of tannins in XDA-6 were 94.81% and 91.63% respectively. The content of tannins was increased from 70.24% in Galla chinensis extract to 85.12% with a recovery of 99.06%. The result of UPLC-MS/MS analysis showed that [bmim]Br could be removed from extract.
- 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/download/c-articles/2016-03-21/343.html
- [Wiley数据库][2012]Preliminary extration of tannins by 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole bromide and its subseq
- 更新时间:2016-03-21;信息类型:客户发表SCI论文介绍
- 题名:Preliminary extration of tannins by 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole bromide and its subsequent removal from Galla chinensis extract using macroporous resins
- 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2016-03-21/440.html
- Why we have a Joint BioEnergy Institute: the story of ionic liquids
- 更新时间:2015-06-15;信息类型:国外研究进展
- It’s been the big, big problem in biomass deconstruction and cellulosic fuels — the finicky nature of biomass. We’ve learned to get past the main line of cellulosic defenses — but by and large it’s been a feedstock-by-feedstock, multi-step process, not well suited for competing with $60 oil when the biomass cost itself has risen by DOE’s estimate to $115 per ton.
- 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-03/383.html
- Seeking Better Biofuels
- 更新时间:2015-10-26;信息类型:国外研究进展
- In this season of cheap oil, the promise of running our energy-intensive economy on plants rather than fossil fuels can seem further out than ever. Yes, there’s a dollop of corn ethanol in our gasoline, but that is not exactly the energy transformation we were promised. Maybe the whole idea behind our bioenergy future needs to be completely rethought.
- 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-03/381.html
- Ionic liquids to extract molecules from wood
- 更新时间:2015-10-26;信息类型:国外研究进展
- Thanks to their unique properties, ionic liquids are all in the rage as solvents as, for instance, "green" sustainable chemical processes. Recently, two research teams at Umeå University discovered how enzymes can perform their catalytical processes in a switchable ionic liquid. The discovery paves way for enzymatic refinement of cellulose to precious molecules and industrial products. The results have been published in the journal ChemSusChem.
- 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-03/378.html
- World 'facing flood of new toxins'
- 更新时间:2015-09-19;信息类型:国外研究进展
- The world needs to prepare for a flood of potentially dangerous new pollutants, an international expert in environmental chemistry has warned.
- 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-04/400.html
- Making the Most From Carbon in Plants
- 更新时间:2015-09-09;信息类型:国外研究进展
- Carbon is money. Nowhere is this more evident than in our dependence on hydrocarbons in the form of fossil fuels. Scientists and engineers have been grappling with the question of what alternate carbon sources are available when our demand for fossil fuels eventually outstrips our supply. This challenge has provided motivation to use expertise and equipment available at EMSL, the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, to create technologies that use sustainable carbon sources from biomass.
- 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-04/398.html
- 科学家认为虾壳蟹壳作为一种可再生资源价值巨大
- 更新时间:2015-08-26;信息类型:国外研究进展
- 科学家应当找出可持续的方式,提炼甲壳类动物的壳,而且政府和企业应当投资这种丰富且便宜的可再生资源。
- 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-02/375.html
- Sustainability: Don't waste seafood waste
- 更新时间:2015-08-16;信息类型:国内研究进展
- Every year, some 6 million to 8 million tonnes of waste crab, shrimp and lobster shells are produced globally — about 1.5 million tonnes in southeast Asia alone1. Whereas 75% of the weight of a tuna fish can be extracted as fillets, meat accounts for only around 40% of a crab's mass.
- 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-03/397.html
- New Research Says That a New BioEconomy May Be Driven By 3D Printed Cellulose Materials
- 更新时间:2015-06-04;信息类型:国外研究进展
- A team of researchers are hard at work developing new bio-material applications for cellulose-based compounds for 3D printing applications to replace fossil derived raw materials.
- 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-04/410.html