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Methylation of amines, nitrobenzenes and aromatic nitriles with carbon dioxide and molecular hydrogen
崔新江 / 石峰
498.17 KB

CO2/H2 was successfully employed in alkylation reactions by performing CO2 reduction and amine N-methylation in one-pot. In the presence of a simple CuAlOx catalyst, N-methyl or N,N-dimethyl amines with different structures can be selectively synthesized with up to 96% yields by applying amine, nitrobenzene and nitrile as starting materials.

★★★☆☆ Cui XJ,Dai XC,Zhang Y,et al. Methylation Of Amines, Nitrobenzenes And Aromatic Nitriles With Carbon Dioxide And Molecular Hydrogen[J]. Chemical Science,2014,5:649-655.