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Introduction to the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics

Release time:2009-06-18 00:00:00        Reading times:

The Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) evolved from the former CAS Institute of Petroleum’s catalytic chemistry, analytic chemistry and lubricating materials laboratories that were moved from Dalian to Lanzhou in 1958.

LICP aims to be a high-tech, innovative research base in western China in the fields of resource chemistry, energy chemistry, new materials, biology and health, with particular attention to sustainable development.

Over more than half a century, LICP has earned a solid reputation for its theoretical understanding of catalysis, lubrication, tribology, separation and analytical sciences and their application.

In the area of catalytic chemistry, LICP researchers developed a novel technique for preparing polybutadiene rubber that won a National Science and Technology Progress Award Grand Prize in 1985. Many high-capacity synthetic rubber manufacturing facilities utilized the new technique, thus making a valuable contribution to the country’s economic growth.

As the largest site for tribology research in China, the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication at LICP is responsible for the successful application of new solid lubricating films and self-lubricating materials, including polymer-based moving parts, metal-polymer composite rolling bearings and self-lubricating seals, for China’s space industry. The institute’s research on space solid lubricating materials has greatly contributed to China’s National Space Program, including manned spaceflights, “space laboratories” and exploration of the moon.

The institute’s analytic chemistry research has also made significant contributions to gas chromatographic analysis, oil field chemical analysis, and geological environment analysis in China.

LICP is home to eight laboratories and centers: the State Key Laboratory for Oxo Synthesis and Selective Oxidation, the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, the National Engineering Research Center for Fine Petrochemical Intermediates, the CAS Key Laboratory of Northwestern Plant Resource Chemistry, the R&D Center for Lubrication and Protection Materials, the R&D Center for Green Chemistry and Catalysis, the R&D Center for Ecomaterials and Ecochemistry, and the Laboratory of Clean Energy Chemistry and Materials.

LICP’s various science facilities are valued at more than 300 million yuan, and many offer testing services to the public.

LICP has about 600 research and administrative personnel, including one Chinese Academy of Engineering member, one CAS member, six recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar Award, and 24 CAS Hundred Talent Program fellows. Among the institute’s research faculty, more than half hold doctorate degrees and half are younger than 35.

In addition to research, LICP also devotes itself to education. The institute offers 11 master’s and Ph.D. programs. Currently, more than 82 faculty members instruct around 300 graduate students. LICP enrolls about 100 new graduate students each year.

LICP has strong cooperative relationships with many international research institutes and universities. For example, every year about 30 foreign scholars visit the institute to lecture about their research. In addition, around 30 institute researchers go abroad to participate in various academic conferences every year. The institute also holds international academic conferences, such as the 5th China-UK Tribology Symposium on Machine Tribology and Corrosion in 2013, and the 6th China International Symposium on Tribology in 2011, among others.


Contact information:

Contact person: ZHANG Huiling, Administrative assistant

Address: No. 18, Tianshui Middle Road, Lanzhou, China

ZIP Code: 730000

Tel: 86-0931-4968009 

Fax: 86-0931-8277088



(January, 2014)